As of October 6, 2021
【Regarding the Border enforcement measures】
- Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)(as of September 30, 2022)- from the Ministry ot Foreign Affair's website
Information about entering into Japan
New entry of foreign nationals
<From October 11, 2022>
Regarding new entry of foreign nationals into Japan, based on the New Border Measures (34) dated on September 26, 2022, prescribed applications in the Entrants, Returnees Follow-up Systems (ERFS)
is no longer required. In addition, the measure to limit the entry of foreign tourists to those on package tours was lifted. Furthermore, visa exemption arrangements will be
resumed from 0:00 am (JST) on October 11, 2022.
Suspension of visa validity under the border measures will be also lifted from 0:00 am
(JST) on October 11, 2022. (NEW)
<Until October 10, 2022>
Based on the New Border Measures (29), from June 10, 2022, foreign nationals who apply for new entry into Japan based on either of the following categories (1), (2) or (3) below are regarded as those with “special exceptional circumstances” and are allowed for new entry into Japan in principle if the receiving organizations located in Japan complete prescribed applications in the Entrants, Returnees Follow-up System (ERFS).
(1) Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a short-term stay (less than three months) for purposes including business and employment (continued from March 1)
(2) Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a short-term stay for tourism (only when a travel agency among others organizing the trip serves as the receiving organization of the entrants) (continued from June10)
(3) Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a long-term stay (continued from March 1)
New entry of foreign nationals into Japan for a short-term stay for tourism based on the category (2) above has been limited to those who will enter from the countries/regions classified as Blue. Meanwhile, from September 7, 2022, based on the New Border Measures (32), the measure will apply to those who will enter from all countries/regions. The measure will also apply to such cases as group tours without a tour conductor.
Required documents for the visa application (Currently, all foreign nationals who wish to newly enter Japan need to apply for a visa except for those with re-entry permit.) : A certificate for completion of Registration to the ERFS system obtained by a receiving organization through online application along with other visa application documents in response to the purpose of visit.
(Note) Receiving organizations means such companies or organizations which employ or invite the entrants for their business or entertainment purposes. Travel Agencies regarding the measures based on the abovementioned category (2) are such travel agents or travel service providers as defined in the Travel Agency Law(Law No. 239 of 1952).
(Note) A certificate for completion of Registration to the ERFS system means a proof of document issued by ERFS of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare after receiving organizations apply and register their entrant’s information online.
Quarantine measures
<From October 11, 2022>
Based on the New Border Measures (34), for all cross-border travelers and returnees from countries/regions where the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant becomes dominant (all countries/regions except for
those where COVID-19 variants other than the Omicron variant become dominant, based on the New Border Measures (27) (February 24, 2022)), on-arrival test at the quarantine station,
self-quarantine in places such as their own residence or accommodations, and refraining from use of public transportation are no longer required in principle. In addition, all returnees and
entrants will now be required to provide either a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate (3 doses) of vaccines on the Emergency Use List of World Health Organization (WHO) or a certificate of
negative result of pre-departure COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to departing from the original country/region. (NEW)
<Until October 10, 2022>
Starting from 0:00 am (JST) on September 14, 2022, based on the New Border Measures (33) (September 13, 2022), among all cross-border travelers and returnees from countries/regions where the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant becomes dominant (all countries/regions except for those where COVID-19 variants other than the Omicron variant become dominant, subject to the New Measures (27) (February 24, 2022), a 5-day home quarantine required in principle to those entrants with valid COVID-19 vaccination certificates from countries/regions classified as Red and those without vaccination certificates from countries/regions classified as Yellow are no longer required, if they submit to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) a negative result of either PCR test or Quantitative Antigen test conducted on or after the third day from the entry into Japan (current test method), or two negative results of Qualitative Antigen tests conducted on the second and third days after the entry into Japan using the Qualitative Antigen test kits (newly approved method), and all abovementioned results are confirmed by the MLHW.
Review on the requirement of the certificate of negative result of pre-departure test:
From 0:00 am (JST) on September 7, 2022, based on the New Border Measures (31), among all cross-border travelers and returnees from countries/regions where the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant becomes dominant, persons who possess a valid vaccination certificate of COVID-19 will be no longer required to submit the certificate of negative result of pre-departure COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to departing from the original country/region.
From 0:00 am (JST) on September 7, 2022, Albania and Sierra Leone will be reclassified from “Red” category into “Yellow” category. Also Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Botswana, Brunei, Cabo Verde,
Chad, Comoros, Cook Island, Eritrea, Eswatini, Grenada, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Mauritius, Nauru, Niue, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome
and Principe, Somalia, Suriname, Tuvalu, Uruguay and Vanuatu will be reclassified from “Yellow” category into “Blue” category.
→Please refer to this table from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's website for the
"Red", "Yellow" and "Blue" category.

(from from the Ministry ofHealth, Labour and Welfare's website COVID-19: Current Japanese Border Measures)
Regardless of the aforementioned measures, those entering Japan must yield to any additional instructions from the quarantine stations regarding COVID-19 testing at the port of entry and isolation (including isolation at home). Furthermore, those who test positive will be required to isolate in a quarantine facility that has been designated by the head of the quarantine station. The period of isolation cannot be shortened for such cases.
Application for Visa for foreign nationals eligible for Phased Measures toward Resuming
Cross-Border Travel (as of October 4, 2022)- from the Ministry ot Foreign Affair's website
Online visa application (as of September 30, 2022)- from the Ministry of Foreign Affair's website
Measures for Resuming Cross-Border Travel (as of October 5, 2022)- from the Ministry of Foreign Affair's
- COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates Valid for Entry into Japan from Abroad (as of July 27, 2022)- from
the Ministry ot Foreign Affair's website
COVID-19 Negative Test Result Certificate before departure (as of July 6, 2022)- from the Ministry ot
Foreign Affair's website
COVID-19 Negative Test Result Certificate before departure-from the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare's website
➾Format downloadable in 20 languages
【Regarding Certificate of Eligibility】
policy regarding the period of validity of the certificate of eligibility (as of June 22, 2022)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
Handling of foreign nationals planning to enter Japan (as of June 22, 2022)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
⇒ Certificates of eligibility issued between January 1, 2020, and April 30, 2022, will be treated as valid until October 31, 2022.
⇒Certificates of eligibility issued between May 1, 2022, and July 31, 2022, will be treated as valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.
【For those who are planning to enter or re-enter Japan】
新型コロナウイルスに係る日本からの渡航者・日本人に対する各国・地域の入国制限措置及び入国に際しての条件・行動制限措置(2022年10月4日)-外務省 海外安全HPより
Handling of foreign nationals planning to enter Japan (as of June 22, 2022)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
⇒ Certificates of eligibility issued between January 1, 2020, and April 30, 2022, will be treated as valid until October 31, 2022.
⇒Certificates of eligibility issued between May 1, 2022, and July 31, 2022, will be treated as valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.
Application for a certificate of eligibility for (1) foreign nationals whose period of stay expired while outside of Japan and before re-entering and (2) foreign nationals
whose certificate of eligibility has expired (as of June 22, 2022)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
For permanent residents who have difficulty re-entering Japan within the valid period of their re-entry permission
due to the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) (From April 16, 2021) (as of April 16, 2021)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
⇒ It is possible to regain the status of "Permanent Resident" when you enter Japan. To do so, please apply for a “Long-Term Resident” visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate general in the country where you are staying by the date separately designated by the Immigration Service Agency six months or more after the day when the entry restrictions were lifted. Once you arrive at one of the airport in Japan, you will be able informed for the necessary procedures.
【For those who have difficulty in returning back to their home country】
Special measures for those who have difficulties in returning back to their home country has been changed.
Termination of the special measures for the visa status of persons who
have difficulty in returning home due to the effects of the spread of COVID-19 (as of May 31, 2022)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
Other related information in Japanese
【For those who have the status of residence “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/ International Services”, “Skilled Labor” or other working visa】
“Justifiable reasons” in the procedure for revocation of the status of residence in cases where itis not possible to engage in the activities related to the status of
residence due to the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (as of May 1, 2020)-from the Immigration Service Agency's website
Employment retainment support for technical interns whose training may not continue due to the COVID-19 pandemic-from the Immigration Service Agency's
Other related information in Japanese
- 健康保険等に関する厚生労働省からのお知らせ(PDF)
【For those who have the status of residence “Student" under continuing job searching or waiting the job starting day】
Handling of special measures for students under the status "Designated Activity" for continuing job searching or waiting the job starting day will change 【Information available in Japanese only】
【For those who have the status of residence “Student”】
Handling of special measures for students will change
【Information available in Japanese only】
在留資格「技能実習1号」及び「留学」に係る在留資格認定証明書 の交付申請時における当面の取扱いについて(2022年6月8日現在)-出入国在留管理庁HPより
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を受けた留学生に対する措置の終了について-出入国在留管理庁HPより
- 【Q&A】日本語教育機関における新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応について-出入国在留管理庁HPより
【Contact numbers regarding the border enforcement measures】
- Regarding denials of landing
Ministry of Justice, Immigration Services Agency, Appeals Division
Tel: 03-3580-4111 (Ext. 4446, 4447) - Regarding the issuance of entry visa
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Visa Information section of the Foreign Residents Support Center
Tel: 0570-011000 (please press "5" after the audio guidance)
+81-3-5363-3013 is also available for international call - Regarding quarantine measures (14-day monitoring period, the ban on public transportation, the contract tracing app, the use of map applications to store location information), and the
purchase of private medical insurance
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Telephone consultation center
Tel:0120-565653 (Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai and English available)
+81-3-3595-2176 is also available for international call (Chinese, Korean and English available) - Continued quarantine measures (follow up health checks, quarantine inspections at airports, etc.)
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Pharmaceutical Safety and Environmental Health Bureau, Policy Planning Division for Environmental Health and Food Safety, Quarantine Office
Tel: 03-5253-1111 (Ext. 2468) - Regarding flight information
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Civil Aviation Bureau, Director for Crisis Management Office
Tel: 03-5253-8700
【Other numbers for consultation & support for foreign residents】
Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC)
Foreign Residents Support Center Leaflet(Japanese)、(English)
☆Easy Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese versions are also available
FRESC Help Desk Leaflet(Easy Japanese)、(English)
☆English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Thai, Indonesian, Tagalog, Burmese, Cambodian and Mongolian versions are also available
⇒Telephone consultation related to Covid-19 (14 languages availale)
Residency consultation (Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau)
⇒Reservation needed
Consultation with immigration officers is possible with 14 languages interpretation service
ConsultationResidency consultation Leaflet (Japanese/ English/ Chinese/ Korean)
⇒Both face to face and online consultation available.
Please fill in and send the reservation form for online consultation.
FRESC Multilingual Vaccination Support
1)For those who have vaccination voucher and wishes to be vaccinated: multilingual support for consultation, reservation of venue, interpret for doctor is available .
Monday to Friday(excluding holidays)9:00.a.m-5:00.p.m
2)For those who do not have vaccination voucher: please contact your municipality for the issuance of voucher. Please call FRESC Help Desk (0120-76-2029)if
you need any support on this matter (multilingual interpretation service available).
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Call
Tel: 0120-761-770 (toll free)
Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish:9:00-21:00